Υπάρχουν τέσσερις επίσημοι σύλλογοι ράγκμπι στην Κύπρο που παίζουν ράγκμπι ανδρών, γυναικών, νεανίδων και μίνι. Βρείτε τον τοπικό σας σύλλογο παρακάτω και επικοινωνήστε απευθείας μαζί του για περισσότερες πληροφορίες.

Player, staff and officials registration
To comply with Cyprus legislation and to better align with European Rugby best practices, this year's registration process has changed and is now fully digitalised.
There are 5 available types of memberships:
Adult Player
Age Grade Player
Officials and Staff
Guest Player
Overseas Players and Staff
In accordance with the Cypriot Sports Organisation laws, every player will need to obtain an athlete's card to be allowed to participate in national competitions.
Players will need the specific medical certificate issued by most hospitals and clinics on in Cyprus. For more information, contact your club or CRF's secretary.
Once you have your health check results, you are ready to register.
Please don't hesitate to contact your club or send an email to secretary@cyprus-rugby.com

Μπες στο Ράγκμπι
Όλοι οι σύλλογοί μας υποδέχονται θερμά νέα πρόσωπα, είτε θέλετε να παίξετε, είτε θέλετε να παίξετε, είτε να προπονήσετε, να διαιτητεύσετε, να γίνετε μέλος μιας επιτροπής ή να υποστηρίξετε μια ομάδα. Επικοινωνήστε με τον τοπικό σας σύλλογο για να μάθετε πώς μπορείτε να εμπλακείτε.

Become a Rugby Referee in Cyprus
Whether you're an experienced rugby referee, or you want to get into officiating, we want to hear from you! We run rugby referee courses each season and we welcome new recruits who want to get involved with the beautiful game in Cyprus. Please contact our Referee Coordinator, Mark Nowell, by emailing referees@cyprus-rugby.com.

Get Into Rugby Coaching
We're always keen to hear from people who want to get into rugby coaching. Coaching is a crucial element of the development of rugby on the island and we can never have too many willing coaches. For more information about getting into coaching, please contact our Technical Director, Rick Wadmore, by emailing technicaldirector@cyprus-rugby.com.